"Sin mujeres no hay revolucion"


The intent of this work is to express the power that under represented communities have. Whether that be history of women, immigrants, people of color or anything of that matter. Their stories are some of the most resilient tales I’ve heard. Regardless of what happens they always manage to persevere!

[ Pictured above (Left to Right) is Aimee Duran Ruiz, Jennifer Ruvalcaba, Leidy Velazquez and Lilliana Sandoval. ]
I’d like to give a big thanks to these ladies above and those not pictured Ashely Arredondo, Arihana Figueroa and Catherine Diop. Along with the community I found in STRIDE and OLAS. They were always there for me amidst the chaos. Te amo muchisimo!

*all pictures used in this work are from my personal gallery*
